
Summary list

Use the summary list to summarise information, for example, a user’s responses at the end of a form.

This component extends the Summary list component in the GOV.UK Design System allowing the rendering of multiple groups of lists, and actions at the group level.

Search for usage of this component on GitHub.

How it looks (preview) (preview all)

Title, summary and body

Ethical standards for public service providers
Find out more about our reviews on the subject of ethical standards for public service providers, including our 2014 report, 2015 guidance and 2018 follow-up publication.
After the government decided in 2013 to expand the remit of the Committee to include public service providers, the Committee on Standards in Public Life produced our first report on the issue: Ethical Standards for Providers of Public Services in 2014.

How to call this component

<%= render "govuk_publishing_components/components/summary_list", {
  title: "Title, summary and body",
  items: [
      field: "Title",
      value: "Ethical standards for public service providers"
      field: "Summary",
      value: "Find out more about our reviews on the subject of ethical standards for public service providers, including our 2014 report, 2015 guidance and 2018 follow-up publication."
      field: "Body",
      value: "After the government decided in 2013 to expand the remit of the Committee to include public service providers, the Committee on Standards in Public Life produced our first report on the issue: Ethical Standards for Providers of Public Services in 2014."
} %>

GOV.UK Design System

This component incorporates components from the GOV.UK Design System:

Accessibility acceptance criteria

Action links in the component must:

  • indicate what the action refers to (e.g. Change name)

Links in the component must:

  • accept focus
  • be focusable with a keyboard
  • be usable with a keyboard
  • indicate when they have focus
  • change in appearance when touched (in the touch-down state)
  • change in appearance when hovered
  • be usable with touch
  • be usable with voice commands
  • have visible text
  • have meaningful text

Other examples

Without title (preview)

Ethical standards for public service providers
Find out more about our reviews on the subject of ethical standards for public service providers, including our 2014 report, 2015 guidance and 2018 follow-up publication.
<%= render "govuk_publishing_components/components/summary_list", {
  items: [
      field: "Title",
      value: "Ethical standards for public service providers"
      field: "Summary",
      value: "Find out more about our reviews on the subject of ethical standards for public service providers, including our 2014 report, 2015 guidance and 2018 follow-up publication."
} %>

Without borders (preview)

Title, summary and body

Ethical standards for public service providers
Find out more about our reviews on the subject of ethical standards for public service providers, including our 2014 report, 2015 guidance and 2018 follow-up publication.
After the government decided in 2013 to expand the remit of the Committee to include public service providers, the Committee on Standards in Public Life produced our first report on the issue: Ethical Standards for Providers of Public Services in 2014.
<%= render "govuk_publishing_components/components/summary_list", {
  title: "Title, summary and body",
  items: [
      field: "Title",
      value: "Ethical standards for public service providers"
      field: "Summary",
      value: "Find out more about our reviews on the subject of ethical standards for public service providers, including our 2014 report, 2015 guidance and 2018 follow-up publication."
      field: "Body",
      value: "After the government decided in 2013 to expand the remit of the Committee to include public service providers, the Committee on Standards in Public Life produced our first report on the issue: Ethical Standards for Providers of Public Services in 2014."
  borderless: true
} %>

With edit on section (preview)

For all links shown in the component, see the with customised links example for guidance.

Title, summary and body

Ethical standards for public service providers
Find out more about our reviews on the subject of ethical standards for public service providers, including our 2014 report, 2015 guidance and 2018 follow-up publication.
After the government decided in 2013 to expand the remit of the Committee to include public service providers, the Committee on Standards in Public Life produced our first report on the issue: Ethical Standards for Providers of Public Services in 2014.
<%= render "govuk_publishing_components/components/summary_list", {
  title: "Title, summary and body",
  items: [
      field: "Title",
      value: "Ethical standards for public service providers"
      field: "Summary",
      value: "Find out more about our reviews on the subject of ethical standards for public service providers, including our 2014 report, 2015 guidance and 2018 follow-up publication."
      field: "Body",
      value: "After the government decided in 2013 to expand the remit of the Committee to include public service providers, the Committee on Standards in Public Life produced our first report on the issue: Ethical Standards for Providers of Public Services in 2014."
  edit: {
    href: "edit-title-summary-body",
    data_attributes: {
      gtm: "edit-title-summary-body"
} %>

With delete on section (preview)

For all links shown in the component, see the with customised links example for guidance.

Title, summary and body

Ethical standards for public service providers
Find out more about our reviews on the subject of ethical standards for public service providers, including our 2014 report, 2015 guidance and 2018 follow-up publication.
After the government decided in 2013 to expand the remit of the Committee to include public service providers, the Committee on Standards in Public Life produced our first report on the issue: Ethical Standards for Providers of Public Services in 2014.
<%= render "govuk_publishing_components/components/summary_list", {
  title: "Title, summary and body",
  items: [
      field: "Title",
      value: "Ethical standards for public service providers"
      field: "Summary",
      value: "Find out more about our reviews on the subject of ethical standards for public service providers, including our 2014 report, 2015 guidance and 2018 follow-up publication."
      field: "Body",
      value: "After the government decided in 2013 to expand the remit of the Committee to include public service providers, the Committee on Standards in Public Life produced our first report on the issue: Ethical Standards for Providers of Public Services in 2014."
  delete: {
    href: "delete-title-summary-body",
    data_attributes: {
      gtm: "delete-title-summary-body"
} %>

With edit and delete on section (preview)

For all links shown in the component, see the with customised links example for guidance.

Title, summary and body

Ethical standards for public service providers
Find out more about our reviews on the subject of ethical standards for public service providers, including our 2014 report, 2015 guidance and 2018 follow-up publication.
After the government decided in 2013 to expand the remit of the Committee to include public service providers, the Committee on Standards in Public Life produced our first report on the issue: Ethical Standards for Providers of Public Services in 2014.
<%= render "govuk_publishing_components/components/summary_list", {
  title: "Title, summary and body",
  items: [
      field: "Title",
      value: "Ethical standards for public service providers"
      field: "Summary",
      value: "Find out more about our reviews on the subject of ethical standards for public service providers, including our 2014 report, 2015 guidance and 2018 follow-up publication."
      field: "Body",
      value: "After the government decided in 2013 to expand the remit of the Committee to include public service providers, the Committee on Standards in Public Life produced our first report on the issue: Ethical Standards for Providers of Public Services in 2014."
  edit: {
    href: "edit-title-summary-body",
    data_attributes: {
      gtm: "edit-title-summary-body"
  delete: {
    href: "delete-title-summary-body",
    data_attributes: {
      gtm: "delete-title-summary-body"
} %>

With custom section heading (preview)

Title, summary and body

Ethical standards for public service providers
Find out more about our reviews on the subject of ethical standards for public service providers, including our 2014 report, 2015 guidance and 2018 follow-up publication.
After the government decided in 2013 to expand the remit of the Committee to include public service providers, the Committee on Standards in Public Life produced our first report on the issue: Ethical Standards for Providers of Public Services in 2014.
<%= render "govuk_publishing_components/components/summary_list", {
  title: "Title, summary and body",
  items: [
      field: "Title",
      value: "Ethical standards for public service providers"
      field: "Summary",
      value: "Find out more about our reviews on the subject of ethical standards for public service providers, including our 2014 report, 2015 guidance and 2018 follow-up publication."
      field: "Body",
      value: "After the government decided in 2013 to expand the remit of the Committee to include public service providers, the Committee on Standards in Public Life produced our first report on the issue: Ethical Standards for Providers of Public Services in 2014."
  heading_level: 2,
  heading_size: "l"
} %>

With edit on some individual items (preview)

For all links shown in the component, see the with customised links example for guidance.

Title, summary and body

Ethical standards for public service providers
Find out more about our reviews on the subject of ethical standards for public service providers, including our 2014 report, 2015 guidance and 2018 follow-up publication.
After the government decided in 2013 to expand the remit of the Committee to include public service providers, the Committee on Standards in Public Life produced our first report on the issue: Ethical Standards for Providers of Public Services in 2014.
<%= render "govuk_publishing_components/components/summary_list", {
  title: "Title, summary and body",
  items: [
      field: "Title",
      value: "Ethical standards for public service providers"
      field: "Summary",
      value: "Find out more about our reviews on the subject of ethical standards for public service providers, including our 2014 report, 2015 guidance and 2018 follow-up publication.",
      edit: {
        href: "edit-summary"
      delete: {
        href: "delete-summary"
      field: "Body",
      value: "After the government decided in 2013 to expand the remit of the Committee to include public service providers, the Committee on Standards in Public Life produced our first report on the issue: Ethical Standards for Providers of Public Services in 2014.",
      edit: {
        href: "edit-body",
        link_text: "Edit"
      delete: {
        href: "delete-body",
        link_text: "Remove"
} %>

Wide title layout (preview)

Allows a slightly adjusted layout for longer text in the field name.

Privacy settings

GOV.UK can use cookies while you’re signed in
Change GOV.UK can use cookies while you’re signed in
GOV.UK can send you feedback emails
Change GOV.UK can send you feedback emails
<%= render "govuk_publishing_components/components/summary_list", {
  title: "Privacy settings",
  wide_title: true,
  items: [
      field: "GOV.UK can use cookies while you’re signed in",
      value: "No",
      edit: {
        href: "edit-cookies"
      field: "GOV.UK can send you feedback emails",
      value: "Yes",
      edit: {
        href: "edit-feedback"
} %>

With block (preview)

Use the summary list with a block when you need to show an empty state message or load another component.


No topics specified for this document.

<%= render "govuk_publishing_components/components/summary_list", {
  title: "Topics"
} do %>
  <p class="govuk-body">No topics specified for this document.</p>
<% end %>